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About Us

CW American Modernism is a private gallery specializing in 20th Century American art with a particular focus on the period between 1910 and 1960. We believe in the importance and relevance of this art and the people who created it to today’s world. In many important ways, the modern world was born during this period and the artists who lived and worked then began to grapple, as artists do, with many of the significant questions about race, gender, equity, diversity, equality, justice, mental health, political power, technology, and the environment that are still with us now. Whether made by artists who are well-known or barely known, we look for works that are compelling and speak to the times and places where they were created and to the present. We are fascinated by the just recently, but irretrievably, lost past and how paintings, sculpture and other material culture can inform our understanding of the broader historical context. Sometimes challenging, often beautiful, but hopefully always intriguing, we offer works that are attainable by beginning collectors and works that appeal to seasoned veterans as well. We take pride in research and helping rediscover the forgotten stories that art and artists from the past can tell us about their world and ours. Please feel free to contact us if you are considering adding to your collection, if you have works you would like to sell, or if you would simply like to discuss 20th Century American art. 

Artists Who Interest Us

We are interested in compelling 20th Century American art, primarily, but not exclusively, from 1910 to 1960. We recognize that many artists who worked during this period continued to create amazing works through the balance of the 20th Century, often pursuing the same themes and stylistic conventions used earlier in their careers.  As our name suggests, we are mainly drawn to Modernism, but we view that as a broad term which includes American Scene, Regionalism, Precisionism, Social Realism, Magic Realism, Expressionism, Surrealism and Post Impressionism.  Most artists we handle are listed, but some are not. We are open to the idea that some works by completely unknown artists have great merit. Some of the artists who most interest us are: George Ault, Richard Gentry Ayer, Virginia Berresford, Edward Biberman, Henry Billings, Peter Blume, Aaron Bohrod, Fiske Boyd, Clarence Holbrook Carter, Konrad Cramer, Ralston Crawford, Francis Criss, Hideo Date, Charles Demuth, Preston Dickinson, Elsie Driggs, Lucy Doane, Terence Romaine Duren, Charles Griffin Farr, Jerrold Donti Flores, Charles Goeller, Marion Greenwood, O. Louis Guglielmi, Zama Vanessa Helder, William Hesthal, Roy Hilton, Joe Jones, Edmund Lewandowski, Frank Weathers Long, Louis Lozowick, Luigi Lucioni, James Owen Mahoney, George Marinko, Fletcher Martin, Ralph Mayer, Roger Medearis, Joseph Meert, August Mosca, John Mottram, Mary Spencer Nay, Kimon Nicolaides, Dale Nichols, Constance Coleman Richardson, Oakley Richey, Edna Reindel, Charles Sheeler, Clyde Singer, Niles Spencer, Marina Stern, Miklos Suba, Yvonne Twining, Wade White, Ellis Wilson, Arnold Wiltz

© CW American Modernism LLC, 2021

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