31. Pink Wall, 1979
Oil on masonite, 19 x 28 ½ inches
Signed lower right, titled verso
Artist’s mailing label verso, Gallery Z label verso
Price Upon Request
Homage to Los Angeles (retrospective), Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA, October 19 - November 6, 1981 (see Crane, Tricia, L. A. by Freeway, and Palm Tree, L.A. Daily News, October 23, 1981 – “Perhaps the most lyrical and certainly the most contemporary of his paintings, a 1979 study called ‘The Pink Wall,’ eschews palm trees and freeways and historical significance. It is strong for its simplicity and ambiguity. This view of a pink stucco wall seen against blue sky might be an abstract if it were not for the little wisp of a cloud. It might also be a hand-tinted photograph of a Luis Barragan building, for its true rendering of shadow and texture has a photographic quality.”)
Kaufman, Jeffrey, Brush with Life: The Art of Being Edward Biberman (2007), 85 minutes (film)