3. Oil Tanks/Storage Tanks, 1936
Oil on canvas, 21 5/8 x 31 3/8 inches, signed lower right
Price Upon Request
i) Edward Biberman Exhibition, Reinhardt Galleries, New York, NY, April 6 - 30, 1936, no. 13; ii) [Solo Exhibition of Recent Paintings], Stanley Rose Galleries, Los Angeles, CA, July, 1936 (see Art Exhibitions Reviewed, The Los Angeles Times, July 12, 1936 - “Westerners may perhaps best enter his art through the pictures of yuccas and a Monterey cypress . . . and then move easily to such paintings as the ‘Storage Tanks’ . . . . In these pictures Biberman presents only things essential to the character of his subject. He intensifies our experience of them by strong color until they appear more like vivid dream images than like things seen, as the eye sees them, mixed up in their context in a natural scene.”); iii) Paintings by Edward Biberman, Courvosier Galleries, San Francisco, CA, August 30 - September 19, 1936, no. 8; iv) Eighth Annual Exhibition of Trends in Southern California Art, Foundation of Western Art, Los Angeles, CA, October 20 - November 23, 1940 (see Millier, Arthur, Southland’s Artists Rival East’s in “Trend” Show, The Los Angeles Times, October 20, 1940 - “There is a strange loveliness to Edward Biberman’s green and silver vision of storage tanks.”); v) Exhibition of Paintings 1930 -1940 By Edward Biberman, Raymond & Raymond Galleries, Los Angeles, CA, April 7 – 30, 1941, no. 10; vi) Edward
Biberman, Abbot Kinney and the Story of Venice, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, May 18 - November 16, 2014
Kaufman, Jeffrey, Brush with Life: The Art of Being Edward Biberman (2007), 85 minutes (film)